Sunday, December 27, 2009
Riders on the storm…
This song has a power to set a mood, strike a chord.. the song’s sounds took me back to essence of goa- its moist atmosphere… the entire feel and look for that place- I like to call the sandland.
It was all about water there… sometimes the sea and most of the times – the rains….
The time I was there this year, goa was flooded with major rainfalls!!!
But that couldn’t stop me from having a good time…
“there s a killer on the road …… riders on the storm”
“gurl u gotta luv ur man… tak him by the hand, make him understand, the world on u depends….”
Along with the tunes of this song… I can recall random snapshots from inside my head-
- the hill top view in vagator.
- The random guy tryin to sell some grass.
- A couple holding hands on green fields facing the sea.
- Relaxing Evenings at chill out
- Tiger watching “hbo”
- Jackie’s crazi lousy dog
- Palolem, very different stream beach
- Morjim’s high tides(scary fr a moment)
- The desired clear blue sky at chapora fort
- Tiny turtle meeting at velankini
- Running around on roads, lookin fr a lost fren without phone.
- Buying cheapest wine(only Rs45) for 750ml
- Finding better groceries at vegator than spencers
- White linen drying on the green fields
- Coconut trees standing tall along the roads.
- Warm smiles from strangers
- Having a lemonade on the only hot day I experienced in goa.
- Activa drives… truly the best rides I have ever had on 2wheelers
- Managing to break an Activa’s rare view mirror, 5 minutes before returning it.
- Finding a deadend on the road, taking a ferry to reach to the other side.
- Sizzler chicken n crispy noodles at palolem
- Seagulls fishing at Morjim.
- Humans fishing everywhere
- The amazing natured stray dogs at all beaches.
- Sea full of crazi people at calangote beach.
- The insane search for – bean up
- Bus travel from vegator to malegaon to colva
- Shitty food at 49’ers
- Finding a Tourist’s journal at Mangro Tree n proving how insane foreigners can be.
- Wondering who killed the smile of Spicejet’s air hostesses.
- Staring at Arabian Sea and big ships which looked really tiny from 2000 mtrs height.
- This reminded me of google maps.
- Getting wet and staying wet for 4 days continuously.
- Driving on NH-18 (pilot ride on real highway)
- The view on the highway was so outta the world, and seemed to be right outa a movie scene.
- Looking at all the churches, but stepped inside none.
- Finding petrol at all huts(Rs 50 per bottle)
- Finding a bakery in middle of nowhere.
- Finding orchards while managing to lose the directions.
And there are plenty more….. guess we all have memories to last.. . . n to be recalled once in a while.
Cheers !
Song Recommended- Has to be ‘Riders on the Storm” but The Doors !
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Glooomyyyy Festival Season..... Makes me feel cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i tried to do somethin with my blog appearance and apparently cudnt do much :(
i so used to out-sourcing everythin that i feel like a drag sometimes .. to actually do any WORK!!!
ironically my Facebook status msg rather says that i am hungry for work.. does that ring a bell to me ?! or to nybody for that matter.
sometimes.. rather currently .. i am stratin to get this feeling that we jus dont live for ourselves !!! there is this HUGE pile of other ppl's lives that we carry around n we have be with them n be good to them n live for them.. like them cud be nyone.. from ur friends to parents to spouses .. goddddd................
is this abt the 'social being' or wot..
i never get it... rather i know i wud get it.. its jus my head is tooooooo clogged to get to an answer.
most of the ppl around my life , my age ppl are goin thru crisis times like all the time.. we do actually live on everyday basis... hopin fr the weekend to come.. have a merry weekend.. n hey then comes the dreadful monday.. n comes along the wait fr another weekend ...
wats the point if all this ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i suppose there isnt ny point to all of this except for the fact that i need to get sloshed tonight.. oh i so DONT wana do dat.. or i jus need to go out.. into the cold winds that might jus get my brains outta the brain freeze allrightttttt
thank god.. goddess of good times.. is on her way from the office n she can tak me out ... hopefuuly for a goodtime or ny time...
Song Recommended-
Be my baby- The Ronettes
Monday, December 21, 2009
i still have a lot to put here.. from goa trip to my days in this crazi land... which seems so mine,, but it still cant keep me away from wanting to move to a new one :P
hope in the comin days, ill have enuf time to get my post flowing.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What’s become of me?!
Left my decently paying, recently comfortable job for a more comfortable sabbatical back at home, all under the hoax of preparing for the so called “MBA” entrances.
All I see right now in front of me is a BIG BLA !!! Laughing at my face.
Sometimes I believe that going deep into corporate shit and kicking it out right at the peak hour would be the best thrill and achievement I can treat myself to.
What is it that I want to achieve – I have mediocre dreams because that’s who I am a Mediocre, always been one and will always be one…
I don’t understand what is the fuss about this fact, which has been the reality of my life and a fact which is re-instigated over various occasions spreading across my life.
Well, one fact I learnt very soon in my life was that – No matter what we can do , have done, will do… there always be someone better off than you and someone whose worse off than you.
So at any given point of time, at least I would always be found in the in equilibrium, dancing somewhere in the middle of the scale, never making it to the extremes and always resulting so, outta no efforts.
Effortlessly – is the word.. I am ready to do anything, if it doesn’t require EFFORT :P
Ya.. right.. as if that’s gonna happen :P
Paah.. living outa a bag (stupid black duffle bag since my birthday last month).
Had bunkers all around the cities….. Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad…
And I very royally still have no clue as to where I am gonna put in my shoes finally for the next two months…
Am I really so messy? Am I really ‘don’t wana decide’ kinds? Am I really a misfit OR I just pretend to be one cuz I swear by you , its just easy and simple this way.. to be a misfit.. appear to be a wonky, disconnected from the real world.. I am a care free bird.. gimme wings..(no not the redbull ones, I hate Red Bull)
Anyway… what’s become of me… and what will become of me.. is all that im gonna figure out in 6 months time.
I remember I was so permanent 6 months back.. I knew what I was doing, I knew what was coming my way.. it was a good year(the second half) only one major achievement pending for this year from my to do list for 2009, rather two:P
The most important one reads green done on the excel sheet, it was – GOA Trip[Status check- Totally nailed it]
(I suddenly feel so geeky to accept the fact that I maintain an Excel to keep track of my things to do)
Last night I realized that there aint a specific time to start or renew my to do list, I shouldn’t wait for 2010…
So few early entries are-
1. Getting a CAR(I don’t care if it’s a second or a third hand)
2. I wana start swimming or start playing basketball( I wana be good naah… maybe mediocre at it, that s the best im gonna try.. cuz u knw my theory.. .. the scale and the equilibrium , bla bla)
Peace Out, Cheers !
Song Recommended: All Along the Watchtower, Original by Bob Dylan
Cover by Jimi Hendrix.
PS: written on : 20 th Oct 09
Published : right now :P
Friday, September 18, 2009
Count-down Begins...

As my days to say goodbye to this paradise land are nearing, i am becoming more and more nostalgic... Posting a few glimpses of my time spent here...
There are the Dhauladhars, a classic olive green fauji Enfeild, my dog tryin to drink water frm a random bottle, miracle street dog(she managed to get herself almost killed under a jeep, but now is in best of her health, not less than a miracle:P)
and ofcourse.. a few of my fav spots in the station.
Count-down has begun but I still dont wana say goodbye...........
Sunday, September 13, 2009
13th Sep 09
I had heard a lot of stories about Munna aunty and uncle’s house, I had heard that they have a beautiful house with tall trees around, perfectly laid garden, a li pond at the back, colorful flowers blooming everywhere.. a picture perfect house with amazing decor inside. Being a spectator one would think and wish to own and be at this place.
Trust me when I reached there, it was better than I just explained it here..
After the usual greeting, Dad and I went for a li round of the place and garden.. it felt peaceful and just like a home everyone wud wana be at.
While on the walk my dad reminded me of Munna Uncle’s illness and mental health and it all came back to me that many years back I had heard of Munna uncle, who is suffering from schizophrenia(psychotic disorder,symptoms like- derailment, delusions, loss of reality). His treatment has been going on for more than 20 years now. Though today he has recovered markedly but is still under strong medication.
Munna Uncle served as an Army Officer(Engineers), with remarkable career history before he was diagnosed with schizophrenic disorder.
His last posting was in sikkim before his initial symptoms of schizophrenia were detected and he soon had to retire from the Army.
Since his retirement aunty and uncle live in their beautiful house, which was designed by Munna uncle himself.
They are blessed with two daughters both married and working, so that leaves uncle and aunty living all by themselves in their dream house. While Uncle floats in his thoughts, munna aunty is the one who keeps them intact and holds - him, his delusions, her wishes, their life together.
Munna Aunty – An inspiration, head to toe !!
Her smile is majestic and its truly her real beauty which enhances the place around her.
Along with the hot cups of tea, home made butter cake, Munna aunty took me and my parents back in time.. she started to tell us about their childhood days at my grandparents village, called Bhagotla(hp). How my mum and she used to run around their rice fields and used to spectate the water run grain- grinder work.
All this while, Munna uncle was in his bedroom.. floating in his thoughts, I really wonder what they were….
Human Brain… a mystery which would only get wilder with time,,, cuz our brain is not getting any simpler with time… listening to my mother’s childhood days only made me long for mine and left me to gloom over the fact that future is going to be such a devoid.
Meanwhile, A bigger blow hit me, when Munna aunty told me that uncle was also suffering from bipolar depression and recently she also has been diagnosed with major(uniploar) depression.
But, trust me an outsider can never tell what they are going through. Munna Aunty is so full of life, lives in best of the comfort and is so humble and a great hostess.
She manages the entire house, is excellent at gardening, infact she has an amazing way of trimming her lawn(she calls local horse breeders with their horses and her lawn acts as a big treat to the horses:P). She manages uncle's psychiatric appointments, her medical appointments, maintains her house not less than Sheraton and leaves all alike me in awe.
As I mentioned before, she is an INSPIRATION head to toe.. while talking to her sometimes I just wished to hug her and sometimes I just admired her for her courage and her patience.
Staying close to home / family(though extended) definitely has its own share of highlights and well today’s evening was one of them.
Believe me when I got back home I re opened my Psychological Disorders book and read through the Schizophrenia chapter. I didn’t really wanted to sound like a shrink to my aunt and therefore curbed most of the queries I had about uncle’s diagnosis by psychiatrists and the causes according to them, which might have caused this disorder to occur.
Schizophrenia can be caused due to multiple causes and usually doesn’t have any permanent cure, only medication helps that too it just helps doesn’t cures.
Its lessons like these that makes sit and think and really wonder… that this life is full of real life Heros and how my life’s big issues seem so petty… infact I felt so petty…
Well.. to be honest… conciling my thoughts over this post took a lot outa me and im literally out of words to conclude this.
I cant really put finger on what exactly moved me today so much… the irony of my aunt-uncle’s lives, Munna Aunty’s dedication to her husband, her godly spirit, human capacity’s extent, my limitedness…
What ever it may be.. may be all of it.. !!!
“Let there be peace” Amen!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lets all be Idiots !!!!
a very close friend of mine asked me an intriguing question, to which i did answer \...but still would like to ponder upon it further.
so the basic essence of her question was "why do we make decisions against our will?” OR “why do we make decisions without thinking through the outcome?” sometimes its even worst, when we make decisions knowing that its gonna reap hell.. but hey’ wt the heck you must try it, to know it.
Its basically being an idiot, rather it can be called a state of IDIOCY…we fall into it once in a while and make silly decisions and then the questions I mentioned above are precisely the questions we ask ourselves.
Idiocy is one of the side dishes to being human, like .. a dip with a dish of potato wedges! Life is the potato wedge dish and idiocy is the dip… It doesn’t matter you like the dip or no.. it will be served to you.. and whether you like it or not.. you would surely dip your potato wedge in the dip at least once. And then my dear you have tasted the idiocy which will follow you no matter what.
Why why why.. Are all humans really idiots? Do sometimes really our brains doesn’t work at all. We all commit mistakes and then after a while realize what did we do?! And later cant even remember which rationale made us take that decision , hmm… so much for “repressed memory” ;P
Sigmund Freud was a man of mans… gave humans so many excuses that now it s a fashion statement to be a psycho path.. cuz man… you must have been an interesting, difficult, complicated entity to be so twisted.
I was surprised and so would you be… I found a very old personal journal of mine.. may be dated back to my [s]cool days… I found written on one of the entries- “Three men I love: 1. Kurt Cobain 2. Oscar Wilde 3. Sigmund Freud” I was like :-O
If I sit and think about it now.. yes these three personalities have definitely had a major major influence in my life, in my growing up days.. no wonder I am , I was so twisted all the time in head.. and now it occurs to me that none of them are alive today.. and all of them have been in centre of controversies, they were know to take the uncanny way and all of them were inconsistent with consistent brilliant work.
And they all had sad ends… but the world still remembers them n googles about them. That’s nothing to complaint about.
I believe we all are brilliant idiots !!! and sometimes one takes on a better part of us… making us do what we shouldn’t have done.
But hey… in the end.. whose to judge ?!
Long live Human Idiocy …. It’s brilliant ways are always around the corner.
PS- Shruts, August has 2 now :-)!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
When the Idea strikes !!!
im cold struck right now... n my head feels like it weighs more than me and im currently over-weight :(
but yeah.... a lot of ideas flow in while u r sick in bed or when you really stuck... its similar to the fact that when you have a near death like experience, you can see your life in whole new light all together.
Its great to have a lot cookin up there ;)
i wish we all out here, feel like this once in a while, ... and get high on our own self... best feelin ever !!!
im dedicating this post to my friend, my first official boss,,, who taught me all i know abt all the work i can do professionally... n i think im good at it,,, thanks to her !!!
Song recommended-
When the levee breaks, Led Zeppelin.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My last days- being bratty
My last days - being “bratty”…
A little background-
Brat is an adjective attached to fauji 2nd generation by default.
If you born to a fauji officer (pls let me specify infantry especially) you automatically acquire “fauji brat” status.
Since childhood you are entitled to see and live in the best n sometimes never seen or heard locations. Eat the best, Act the best, Look the best and Please the best !!!
There are frequent “mess parties” where you can gulp down all the softdrinks and snacks(which are yumm always).
If not mess parties then you’ll be entitled to get in to the Officers’ Club, and let me be honest its only cuz of the kids that Officer’s Clubs are so successful.
It’s a place not only for adults to socialize but for fauji brats its an excellent place to enhance their peoples skills along with showcase their talents through various competitions and functions organized in such clubs.
Since childhood one beloved ‘bhaiya’ (bhaiya is an internal fauji term which refers to the helper(rank- ORs) an officer is entitled to; this is for the officer’s assistance) is the brat’s friend, your extended family, usually fauji brats have nick names for their bhaiyas and sometimes smaller brats love their ‘bhaiyas’ more then their actual family.
[there are controversies about the officers, who make take their “helpers” as actual household helps and much worse”.. but from what I have seen in my personal life there are actual very few extreme cases of exploitation and with growing awareness it definitely will be a part of history. Rather I have seen that “helpers/bhaiyas” actually respects and cares for the officer’s family he is attached to and embraces the family as his own. There has to a be a mutual respect between the office and the OR(other rank)]
The brats have the privilege of special fauji bus pick ups to school and back, there s a vehicle available most of the times and its always fun to be sitting in the rare of a green army vehicle with daunting authority in the middle of a busy market.
These examples are just too small to actually express what a privileged, spoon fed life a fauji officer’s kid lives.
I remember my father arranging a big 2-ton heavy truck like vehicle so that my entire class could go for a picnic in 4th grade.
I remember my perfectly shining black shoes, neatly ironed school uniform and other clothes (courtesy: unit’s ironman, who was paid just to clarify), my bicycle having the perfect air balance in its tyres, my basketball bouncy all the time.
I remember taking help from the signals unit to do my Science Project.
Those were the days .. but thanks to my proactive parents these privileges stopped as soon as me and my sister were old enough to take are of things of these nature.
But this doesn’t happen for every fauji brat and some kids/parents go overboard.
There is always a flipside of things and this bratty bringing up too has its share of downturns.
Therefore, I must tell you that plenty of these brats have problems facing the real world, which is not so protective and facilitating. Where the things are to be done by you and not some ‘bhaiya’. A lot of times a brat is standing alone at the threshold of a protected childhood and unknown adulthood. It does sometimes take a lot outa this bratt to make it his own in the real world.
My moving back to home with parents, living the army cantt life of superlative comfort, where my parents are ready to feed me with nything anytime and on the toes with my “demands” it all feels like… that life did come around the second time and I got a chance to relive my childhood days, experience my bratty days again and act like a li bratt my self.. as long as I got my last chance!
Cheers to Evergreen “fauji brattyness”!!!
I am dedicating this post to all my bratty friends around this country and plenty more in the making !!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Death, the ultimate truth ?!
I cant help but scribble things down.. there s a sudden urge to write down.. write down all that I can !!!
Have so many things running around in my head.. from moving back to my parents to leavin NCR(n my perfect li life).. from moving out of my comfortable office desk to my new study table. From not getting troubled by “open positions” to getting worried about algebra and vocab.
Life keep unfolding various chapters n we like dummies keep going on doing our chores.
I recently read “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. Its an memoir/ pieces of conversations between an extremely ailing college professor and his once upon a time student.
Though my personal experiences with death rather my relatives dying have been few, but I clearly remember each experience.
There is a general notion/ blockage Indian mentality has regarding Death along with plenty others. Death is a subject less discussed, less understood, more dramatized, more feared phenomenon.
I wouldn’t disagree that all across cultures and societies death is the ultimate fear people fear! And there are cultures who accept Death as an ultimate truth. People accept it deep down but our conditioning is such that nobody wants it. We are animals with survival instincts and dying is not very welcome. But why cant we accept it as a truth we all have to face? Why my religion, my society makes it so difficult to deal with it??!! The idea behind mentioning Mitch’s book was the fact that I wanted to bring out the only fact I liked the book for was- that Morrie(the ailing professor) had all the courage in this world to accept his own demise, he himself was well prepared and made other people around him, his loved ones celebrate his life and was cheery about himself till the end. Even when he could not move from his wheelchair, couldn’t take care of his personal chores, was not able to swallow or drink anything and was just plain counting his last breaths.
All I am questioning is that why cant we have an attitude like this about life and death.
The entire time we are living, we are not living we are merely existing or surviving, when we come to know that our end is close, all we do is close even before we have to and wait for it !!
The zeal to live the zeal to celebrate ones life is not there at all.
Yes there are certain cases, where death comes in disguise and there is nothing one can do about it, but in cases where death is waited for and waited for in extreme grief in a kind of a disserting disheartening experience.
Why cant we rise above the shackles of human myopic vision. Celebrate one’s life till it lasts and live it up till the end.
During ones goodbye days, one feels like a liability on others, one thinks he/she has become a pain to their loved ones, but there can be a different perspective to it. Just like parents nurture their little ones, that’s how once been children can now take care of their ailing parents/aunts/uncles.
You might argue that I am taking an idealistic perspective, but things can be done in a smoother fashion. Life can be lived in a better way and sure death can be dealt with a little more intelligence and little more of sentiments rather than over done emotions. What really makes my heart ache is the fact that people make a show of anyone’s last days. He/she is made an object to see, to witness how he/she decays till the end.
Yes love, sympathy, respect are the things which would make you visit/ stay close to a dying relative/friend/neighbour. But one need to respect his/her condition, family space and lot of other factors and make sure you don’t trespass your boundaries.
Ones most life is lived for many lives.. we live for parents, we live for spouses, we live for friends, we live for our children, we live for our sick society, we live for everyone possible, under the illusion that we are living for ourselves.
But I think when one dies, one should die for himself or herself.
Because people.. parents,, spouses,,children,,society would remember you anyway if you are meant to be remembered in their hearts in their minds in their life like a beautiful memory, they would remember all the good times and making our ailing/goodbyes days as good memories is totally up to us.
The cycle of life and death has to be understood by us, it’s the truth we have to face, either today or tomorrow.
Song recommended: Gravedigger by Dave Mathews, Some Devil(2003)
Friday, July 10, 2009
50+1 things I miss about NCR n my perfect li life :) :) !!!
2. D- 167
3. GIP
4. Weekends off to the Sin City!!!
5. DND
6. my stupid office cab n the even more stupid cabbie
7. auto rickshaw rides to Ghaziabad
8. Cooking dinner attempts at 10.00 PM, just after office crap
9. finding out the vegetables I bought last week, ROTTEN or worse STOLLEN !!!
10. GIP.. I knw im repeating, but I MISS IT, every weekend ;)
11. aaaa………. Atta !!!! everyone’s atta
12. I miss the momos at atta
13. the chicken rolls in the parking.
14. the saddest men n even more sad chics in noida
15. I miss finding my friend wearing the same kurta I bought last Friday(did somebody say 50% off at “Good Things”??!! :P)
16. making monica or ambika (pg mates) make tea/coffe(pls let me mention starbucks, jus because it will make ambika laugh:P) at 2.00 AM
17. waking up at 11 or 12noon on saturdays, n finding shally makin tea
18. further leading to mcdonalds brunch, courtesy the 3 queens in the king size room (sonica, mallika n shweta respectively, pls don’t miss the ‘aa’ at the end of all their names :P )
19. I definitely miss bhramaputra market n its gandi biryani
20. I miss not going to CSM (even when I was in the city)
21. I miss going to lajpath n sarojini nagar.
22. buying a pair of great black chappals , just for 100 bucks !!!
23. I miss going to barista, with my chocked throat n having ginger lemon tea all by myself.
24. I miss going bak home alone on the rickety cycle rickshaw n making a note of the evening on my cell phone.
25. Calling in sick on Friday and goin outa town for the weekend;)
26. I miss giving goli to my boss abt work progress/ quarterly reports.
27. giving out all jargons while salary negotiations with the job applicants at work
28. Miss Maggie breakfasts with meenakshi (my favorite ex-colleague n reason for my extra fat)
29. I miss Moti Bhaiya generosity, my ex- office helper
30. I miss, firstly chicken “breasts n legs” shopping and then definitely cooking the chicken curry!!!
31. I miss some of my old frens dropping in sometimes
32. I miss bitching abt my land lords with my friends.
33. I miss bitching abt the chics who bitched abt us with our landlords
34. I miss following up with all my girl frens love lifes;) always exciting
35. I miss going out with all gals on a shopping spree.
36. I miss going out all by myself on a shopping spree
37. I definitely will miss cutting 5 diff cakes at 5 diff locations on my birthday !!!! though loved the last one ;);)
38. I miss, missing home.
39. I miss our tiffs n try n get online, jus to check the updates on orkut/ facebook (lame, I know)
40. I miss just getting 4 hours sleep n then heading to office, trying to appear cheery :P [Very difficult, trust me, couldn’t carry it off;( ]
41. I miss not wanting to watch TV.
42. I miss watching Ghajni in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi all together.
43. I miss late night typical ultra gurly chats on the chatt.
44. Miss waking up only to find 15 minutes left to get ready.
45. Miss waking up only to find 15 minutes left to get ready and my loo door carrying the sign “occupied”.
46. I miss the evenings with weird concoctions n finding Fruit flavored
Vodka Ice Golas in the freezer the next morning ! ;))
47. I miss the layer of black dust n soot on my face every evening I got back home.
48. I miss the urgencies to finish work n get to another day.
49. I miss making a difference in other people’s lives(professionally, personally)
50. In totality I miss the sound to my life and the note which makes it worth humming all the time.
how cud i miss on to HIT FM.. n my fav RJ - Sarthak !!!
Lets make this "51 things i miss abt NCR n my perfect li life" .. n Letme squeeze in Sarthak's show "Hit Mornins"... i miss the show a LOT !!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Uniform Pay cuts OR Lay Offs ??!!

Since my boss never fails to make me realize constantly that im an “under paid, over worked labour” and the nature of my job never fails to make me realize that most of the companies want to hire employees to fit into this “quote”. I am bound to question the nature of hiring in these turbulent (RECESSION) times.
U would differ n ask “Hiring” in this season… ???? n I would yes boss.. MASS HIRNG this season, cheap resources off the shelf !!! At the mercy of the foolish recruiters and more foolish company management.
(These are personalized comments, totally based on my… should I say it ? Lets say it anyway… crappy yet learning experiences in my current company.)
So the question asked in one of the chat shows on radio, which I was subjected to hear by default, since I commute through the new “AC” cab of my office, whose movement I need to monitor at work too(why lord why).
The Cabbie is obsessed with radio and will put all the stations when they aint playing any music. So in one of these cab “home drop” trips I encountered the question, around which the discussion was originally intended to be.
Theeee vicious brain teaser “Uniform Paycuts OR Firing??!!”
Hmm… good question… the RJ required a plain black n white answer to this unrealistic question, also to the extent of getting pissed if some listener gave a midway answer or a gray answer.
Strange.. The freedom, liberty OR should I say “creative license” these RJs practice on various shows I have heard on delhi stations.
Coming back to the question…
Argument in favor of No Uniform Paycuts is that why a “good performer” should pay for “lower performers” Valid Argument.. Since we all work our arse off in corporate world, just plain n simple – FOR US !!
Its as simple as that.
But the argument in favor of No Lay offs is that companies, management, ‘managers’ specifically take an undue advantage of the situation called “. Employees are taken for grant and are laid off may be for all the wrong reasons like- not sucking up to the boss, not being popular among the right crowd, or may be worse for being a straightforward blunt guy. In many firms it is internally observed that yes… layoffs have got nothing to do with your work performance, its all gotta do with your suck up performance to the senior management.
The truth being.. that a lot of things happen in the top/ toppest management of every organization, may it be large or mid size.. which is beyond the principles of “humanity” or “humility”. Employees are treated like replaceable furniture and whenever the management feel like a renovation … they can try all the tools to renovate their resource pool. Tools may be either “Lay off” OR “salary cut” as they both are going to result in high number of attrition!!! and the renovation automatically is taken care off.
There is no black and white answer to this question, in the first place why does a mere employee suffer in these recession times? Nobody anyway didn’t consider him when a wrong businees deal was being made, Nobody anyway didn’t consider him when top managers were given 100% hikes! Nobody anyway didn’t consider him when the company spent on all the things it shouldn’t have spend on.
The simple solutions, all the paycutts/ slashes on the topper management, mid level employees should be given enough notice (with due salary)to search for jobs (if in case there is no job at all for them) before they are laid off. Uniform salary cutts, not a total yes from my end as it doesn’t solve the problem only creates more distrust and disgust in the employees once who were important but they are just expensive old wooden furniture ready to be replaced by new cheap fiber furniture.
Song recommended: "Money" by Pink Floyd, The dark side of the moon (1973)
2 may 2009...
Damn this month…this day.. too diffcult… to handle.. the heat .. the smoke right in your face.. your internet wont work properly.. your cooler will not cease to spit water at your face !!!
Your face…… in your damn ugly face !!!
Grunge… pheww…
This post of mine will come in complete disgust and confusion and complete unadulterated humility to me and the complete human kind.. did u notice the usage of the term ‘complete’ thrice rather for darn four times in one sentence.. that’s what I meant.. writing in humility !!!
I have been trying to write a post on “Uniform Paycuts OR Firing ??!!” which still carries a board in “CAPS LOCK” –“ UNDER CONSTRUCTION” !!!
Before that I just need to take out all that is juggling in me.. out here.. on these white sheets….
The joy of writing with a pen on plain white paper is incomparable.. the joy of drawing with your own hands.. smudging your fingers in plain serenity of paint.. finding your clothes with the paint spots, all at the wrong places..
The joy of plain simple things.. the problem with getting to extreme heights is that you fall bak real soon.. n then you are so sluggy abt it… hey… I made a new word.. “sluggy”
I love myself !!!
The wall is hitting me and im closing this post…
Song recommended: “Closing Time”, cover version by GreenDay !!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
i cudnt resist it...

As my good fren quotes .. me as a “pseudo rock fan”… I would like to reinforce his faith through this post… that yes.. I am a proud quote pseudo rock fan unquote.
After a hard day of sleepin…. ridin,,, aloe vera massage.. pizza lunch n dark temptation dessert… I felt so tired… that .. I had to find solace within myelf.. n my music.. as the universal forces had decided this post had to happen.. I was magically.. led to miraculously finding nirvana palyin in random playlist selection.. I realized I was destined to write this n make my little contribution in appreciation of the lord.. who ruled this world with the name of “kurt cobain”…. The invincible, indomitable… king of grunge rock.. who made what grunge rock is !!!!
N nobody.. can make rock sound.. like the way he does or he did.. never return.. but his timeless quest to make music . which came right outa his heart.. n soul was worth it !!! the sheer charm of pain.. n the depth of the darkness he brought along with him .. was an enlightenment for millions.. people .. his fans.. followers.. found paths through his confusion.. they felt they were not alone .. and that what makes him great his works greater.. is the fact that .. his open ended lyrics.. his loud but deep music and the beauty of “free interpretation”.. its poetry.. to luk at it from one point of view.. either u’ll know it through… or you’ll have no clue….
While browsing the images for nirvana.. I found this picture that im tagging along..(i cudnt resist it )
Only ppl… worshiping nirvana.. n loving simpsons.. cud have a look n laugh out loud , jus like I did ;0 ;)
Tip from my side… when ur head hurts or ur heart shakes…
Put on ur head phone… play “Lithium” in full volume.. u’ll know wats comin close to heavenly hell is….
Peace Out for Tonite ;) ;)
Monday, February 23, 2009
it was pure non dedication to my new little blog that led me to write now.. at this hour..
the hour i m suppose to hit the bed so that i can hit the office the coming day.. all life is reduced to is "office" and then the ever so much talked about "weekend".. which in most of the cases goes n sleepin...window shoppin or downloadin movies.. n consuming the weekdays watching them..
lifes all about a lot of things at one given time.. that sometimes its best to be a schizophrenic !! ahan.. this time i spelt it right in the first attempt(god.. i sud b ashamed to b a psychology student) ahh.. a self proclaimed one !!! i wud rather always wud like to b a student all the time dont have to deal with a lot of knowing or pretending to be knowing... :P:P
hmmm... so im listin to john mayer's somethings missing.. ironically.. n its a fact is that ... evry recent alternate music artist song that i ve liked is... in 99% cases a cover version !!!
like W.H.Y... like i heard a sting's version of sumthingd missin.. sumtime back on radio..
aahh... radio a great invention for mankind.. n a great discovery for my generation.. radio brought us back to same old simple fun of listin to music with ears.. lettin us lose and off the constraints of video or visual content.. which many a times kills a song,,,, takin away the sanity .. of the sound of the song.. sound.. sound of ... of silence...
i have no title for this post.. n no cool conclusions in the end to keep the minds tickin.. .. . . .
Sunday, February 8, 2009
aint blogs journals... y not??
the street lights can take the place of the moon.. the moon will shy away as the neon will blind it too...
the day was as bright as the next neon arnd ur block... towards its end.. there came nice tea sessions and the witnessing of great spoilt behaviour of bratty kids(makin me feel jus not thre)
the thing abt growin up is that u dont wana grow old n take up responsibilites... u know if thre would be any award for greatness at randomness i would win it for sure...
ill b the first nomination and the first winner..
u know wot... every winner need not be first all the time, rather most of the times;);)
so coming to the point.. y cant people blog for the sake of journal writing...
wats the diffrence... ideally .. people get motivated to write jus outa urge to talk out ...
the task of writing to please should be left for writers.. the professional business...
Blogging ideally as per me pure means of puttin ur mind / heart out on the platter... cooked or brunt just like the way u want it.. not brewed for suiting some followers taste n fancies...
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Monday, February 2, 2009
Testing Testing...
sad IT jokes,,,, when will i try n stop crackin them? :P