Though the day seemed a regular Sunday to me… with waking up late, dodging mum’s parathas and settling for an apple instead, brief driving lesson with dad(managing to pass with B grade :P ) gradually the day turned out to be a li more than a regular Sunday. As the evening approached I was told that we were visiting one of maternal relative’s house (munna aunty and munna uncle, that’s what they are called outa affection in the family) and I was coming by default. I showed a li resistance but mothers have their own ways.. so I had to succumb to the visiting plan.. and off we were to Sidhbari(small place near Dharamshala, hp).
I had heard a lot of stories about Munna aunty and uncle’s house, I had heard that they have a beautiful house with tall trees around, perfectly laid garden, a li pond at the back, colorful flowers blooming everywhere.. a picture perfect house with amazing decor inside. Being a spectator one would think and wish to own and be at this place.
Trust me when I reached there, it was better than I just explained it here..
After the usual greeting, Dad and I went for a li round of the place and garden.. it felt peaceful and just like a home everyone wud wana be at.
While on the walk my dad reminded me of Munna Uncle’s illness and mental health and it all came back to me that many years back I had heard of Munna uncle, who is suffering from schizophrenia(psychotic disorder,symptoms like- derailment, delusions, loss of reality). His treatment has been going on for more than 20 years now. Though today he has recovered markedly but is still under strong medication.
Munna Uncle served as an Army Officer(Engineers), with remarkable career history before he was diagnosed with schizophrenic disorder.
His last posting was in sikkim before his initial symptoms of schizophrenia were detected and he soon had to retire from the Army.
Since his retirement aunty and uncle live in their beautiful house, which was designed by Munna uncle himself.
They are blessed with two daughters both married and working, so that leaves uncle and aunty living all by themselves in their dream house. While Uncle floats in his thoughts, munna aunty is the one who keeps them intact and holds - him, his delusions, her wishes, their life together.
Munna Aunty – An inspiration, head to toe !!
Her smile is majestic and its truly her real beauty which enhances the place around her.
Along with the hot cups of tea, home made butter cake, Munna aunty took me and my parents back in time.. she started to tell us about their childhood days at my grandparents village, called Bhagotla(hp). How my mum and she used to run around their rice fields and used to spectate the water run grain- grinder work.
All this while, Munna uncle was in his bedroom.. floating in his thoughts, I really wonder what they were….
Human Brain… a mystery which would only get wilder with time,,, cuz our brain is not getting any simpler with time… listening to my mother’s childhood days only made me long for mine and left me to gloom over the fact that future is going to be such a devoid.
Meanwhile, A bigger blow hit me, when Munna aunty told me that uncle was also suffering from bipolar depression and recently she also has been diagnosed with major(uniploar) depression.
But, trust me an outsider can never tell what they are going through. Munna Aunty is so full of life, lives in best of the comfort and is so humble and a great hostess.
She manages the entire house, is excellent at gardening, infact she has an amazing way of trimming her lawn(she calls local horse breeders with their horses and her lawn acts as a big treat to the horses:P). She manages uncle's psychiatric appointments, her medical appointments, maintains her house not less than Sheraton and leaves all alike me in awe.
As I mentioned before, she is an INSPIRATION head to toe.. while talking to her sometimes I just wished to hug her and sometimes I just admired her for her courage and her patience.
Staying close to home / family(though extended) definitely has its own share of highlights and well today’s evening was one of them.
Believe me when I got back home I re opened my Psychological Disorders book and read through the Schizophrenia chapter. I didn’t really wanted to sound like a shrink to my aunt and therefore curbed most of the queries I had about uncle’s diagnosis by psychiatrists and the causes according to them, which might have caused this disorder to occur.
Schizophrenia can be caused due to multiple causes and usually doesn’t have any permanent cure, only medication helps that too it just helps doesn’t cures.
Its lessons like these that makes sit and think and really wonder… that this life is full of real life Heros and how my life’s big issues seem so petty… infact I felt so petty…
Well.. to be honest… conciling my thoughts over this post took a lot outa me and im literally out of words to conclude this.
I cant really put finger on what exactly moved me today so much… the irony of my aunt-uncle’s lives, Munna Aunty’s dedication to her husband, her godly spirit, human capacity’s extent, my limitedness…
What ever it may be.. may be all of it.. !!!
“Let there be peace” Amen!