So.. i was with Shruts after a long due time, n i told her i was doing this piece on 'gurl power', she wanted to contribute in her own cute way... n thus comes in the power puff girls pic, courtesy her.
Here is what i wrote(over the period of 2-3 weeks, the content might seem to be too dis oriented) about the over empowering gurl power i witness every day, one day at a time. Power puff gurls taking over the city, destroying all the evils !
“Music… it’s the most relished elixir of life, in my life.
It makes me smile, it makes me cry.
It makes me dance, it makes me shake.
It makes me think, it makes me crazy.
It makes me remember, it makes me memorize.
Sitting in dhar’s room, been thinking of writing a new post about something that’s been happening around, something real, something stirring.
But… Hey’ who am I kidding here?! Life s a bad sport and it keeps reminding us that how screwed up we can be and well.. rather are.
Most of my girlfriends are going through a lotta soul searching, they are in the so called “ideal” age to age hitched ;) [please read: married] how awful..
The ones who have boyfriends are scared and confused about how to break the news to their parents. The ones who don’t have a boyfriend are sick of looking for a suitable husband material, and constantly running outta guys, as they have rejected all available on match making websites.
(man.. its worst than running outta EDA RnD Engineers) :P
Right now I realize that such power houses surround me, you’ll often catch them smiling in the distant, or maybe lost in their thoughts. Sometimes they will pamper you like your own mother, sometimes they’ll give you a look that will kill you at least.
These power houses are the real women, very much part of my today’s life.. We are friends, we are colleagues, we are flat mates, we are fellow shoppers, we are fellow metro travelers, we are everyone that we want to be today !!! “
Hmm… the above piece was written about a week back and today I continue…
I am in constant contact with women, who are very different, who come from varied background, varied education backgrounds… but they all, rather we all have some things for sure in common:
1. Drive: Drive to make a mark and be successful in their own definitions.
2. Find Happiness: Find happiness in small things in life, like a tea chat or a cooking together session.
3. Need for Independence: Need for Independence, so that they live every day for themselves.
4. Hope: Hope they will better professionals, the best daughters, the ideal partners…
There is so much out there to be done.. but all we chose to do is : is to talk about it !
(to be very honest, I should re quote myself; “There is so much out there to be done.. but all I chose to do is - is to blog about it”
Song Recommended:
Carole King, Its too late, OST the Lake House